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Thornton May

Thornton May is a futurist, educator, anthropologist and author. May is the author of The New Know: Innovation Powered by Analytics. He leads the IT Leadership Academy, and FutureScapes Advisors, Inc. Thornton combines empirical research and insightfulness in pattern recognition with gift for storytelling to address the information technology management problems facing executives.

Advice Articles

Failure Tolerance Theory

Thornton May guest stars in CHAOS Tuesday # 90  “Failure Tolerance Theory”. 

Fusion Theory

Thornton May guest stars in CHAOS Tuesday # 88 is titled “Fusion Theory".  

I Feel Smarter

Thornton May guest stars in CHAOS Tuesday # 68 “I Feel Smarter”. 

May I be Inspired

Thornton May guest stars in CHAOS Tuesday # 73: “May I be Inspired”.

May I Help You

Thornton May guest stars in CHAOS Tuesday # 66: is titled “May I Help You!”. 

The Philosophy and Ethics of Cybersecurity: Part #1

Gerald Levinson, a university professor, at the University of Maryland, said this was how we explained philosophy, there was a kid...

The Philosophy and Ethics of Cybersecurity: Part #2

Wisdom is figuring out what really matters. Philosophy is really focusing on what really matters.

The Philosophy and Ethics of Cybersecurity: Part #3

In a perfect world, we wouldn't need government and we wouldn't need law because everyone would do the...

The Philosophy and Ethics of Cybersecurity: Part #4

The great thing about cybersecurity is anywhere you look at; we can do a...

The Philosophy and Ethics of Cybersecurity: Part #5

In November of 1993, the joint chiefs of staff received a memorandum that said, "We're going to create a...