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Hans Mulder

Prof.dr.ing. Hans Mulder MSc BA is Standish European research director and professor at the Antwerp Management School. As the founder of his own company, Venture Informatisering Adviesgroep, he is on the management and executive boards of various IT companies. He is regularly engaged as an IT expert when conflicts between companies need to be resolved in or out of court.

Advice Articles

2022 Bonus Prediction: Democratic Reforms

Hans Mulder predicts that the support of intelligent IT will drive a return to humanistic democratic reforms.

AdviceBlog Excerpt 1: What is DEMO?

Hans Mulder: DEMO provides you an accurate way of describing responsibilities...

AdviceBlog Excerpt 2: What is DEMO?

ans Mulder:  DEMO has led to some remarkable results...

AdviceBlog Excerpt 3: What is DEMO?

This is my promise." They also see great results...

AdviceBlog Excerpt 4: What is DEMO?

Hans Mulder: DEMO as a way of thinking is agnostic...

AdviceBlog Excerpt 5: What is DEMO?

Hans Mulder: With DEMO you can see that it has been done in..

Agilizing the Enterprise

Hans Mulder reviews the book ‘Agilizing the Enterprise’ written by Joseph Raynus...

Align Strategy

Hans Mulder suggests you look at DEMO and Group Support Systems to…

Application Modernization

Hans Mulder guest stars in CHAOS Tuesday # 63: “Application Modernization”

Balance Complexity

Hans Mulder suggests you balance your project requirements by risk

Balance Goal

Hans Mulder suggests you balance so requirements do not get over weighted in one area.

Big Picture

Hans Mulder suggests that you always look at the big picture.

Break Downs in Communication

Hans Mulder suggest you look at DEMOto solve break downs in Communication.

Business problem

Hans Mulder suggests that the business problem comes first.

Common Objective Exercise

Hans Mulder suggests that you try the common objective…

Conflicting goal

Hans Mulder suggests that it is completely understandable that most projects will not have a common goal.


The Standish Group suggests you read Crapola.


Hans Mulder guest stars in CHAOS Tuesday # 1: CRAPOLA.

Design Debt

Hans Mulder says you should clearly convey the cost for maintenance of programs to the decision-makers for projects. 

Design Debt Approach

Would you consider using a design debt approach?


Design Thinking

Hans Mulder suggest you look at DEMO to design

Designs by Felon

The Standish Group suggests you read Café CHAOS blog post Designs by Felon.

Dutch Treat

The Standish Group suggests you read Café CHAOS blog post Dutch Treat.

Elevator Pitch

Hans Mulder suggests that business objectives need to be the length of an elevator ride.

Elevator Pitch Conviction

Hans Mulder suggests that he elevator pitch must convene confidence and passion.

Elevator Pitch Precision

Hans Mulder suggests that when developing an elevator pitch you use the exact words.

Elevator Pitch Word Count

Hans Mulder suggests that an elevator pitch is like a golf score,

Enterprise Ontology

Hans Mulder reviews the book Enterprise Ontology of professor Dr.ir. Jan Dietz and...

Excerpt 3: Strategic Planning

Hans Mulder: I really like that grounded theory because you are doing bottom...

Excerpt 3: The Project Saboteur

Hans Mulder: I wonder, how can we distinguish the project saboteur from the whistleblower?

Find your Facts

Hans Mulder suggests you look at DEMO to find the sources of…

Flow Governance Foundation

Hans Mulder reviews the books of professor Dr. Jan Hoogervorst, namely "Foundations of Enterprise Governance and Engineering"...

Goal Focus

Hans Mulder suggests focus on strategic goals in general. 

Good Sponsor Workshops

Hans Mulder guest stars in CHAOS Tuesday # 119: Good Sponsor Workshops overview. 


Hans Mulder guest stars in CHAOS Tuesday # 76: “Haze”.

Key Activities

Hans Mulder suggests use key activities as a guide in the planning and requirements phase of any project.

Managing Expectations

Hans Mulder suggests that managing expectations is crucial.

Managing Expectations is Crucial

Hans Mulder suggests that managing expectations is crucial.

Mean it

Hans Mulder suggests deliver more is done when expectations are kept low.

Mitigating Risk

Hans Mulder suggests you should consider the risk of each requirement.

Murphy’s Law

Hans Mulder suggest you look at gaining education on…


Mutual focus

Hans Mulder suggests that each stakeholder will have his or her own…

Normalized Systems

Hans Mulder guest stars in CHAOS Tuesday # 101 is titled “Normalized Systems”

Over Promising

Hans Mulder suggests over promising is the last thing one should do when trying to optimize scope.


Hans Mulder suggests that it is important to foster the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with ownership of a project. 


Hans Mulder suggests that preparation: is a key in establishing ownership.

Rank Complexity

Hans Mulder suggests you rank the complexity 

Rank Goal

Hans Mulder suggests you rank which means a position in the hierarchy or to put in order of importance.

Rapid Enterprise Design

Hans Mulder suggest you look at Rapid Enterprise Design for…

Rate Goal

Hans Mulder suggests you rate, which means to quantify a function, program or project based on a standard.

Rating Complexity

Hans Mulder suggests you rate complexity.


Hans Mulder suggests that responsibility is making everyone accountable for their area of tasks and expertise.

ROI of Business Process Design

Hans Mulder suggests you look at DEMO for ROI of…


Hans Mulder suggests that roles of each member must be known to each other.

Same Page

Hans Mulder suggests that it is imperative that everyone have the same understanding of the project's…

Shared business understanding

Hans Mulder suggests that you should envisage the business benefits…

Small Projects: Like Riding a Bicycle

The Standish Group suggests you read Café CHAOS blog post: Small projects: Like Riding a Bicycle by Hans Mulder & Jim Johnson.

Speedy News

Hans Mulder suggests it is essential to creating and maintaining expectations with speedy and constant news.

The Good Mate

Hans Mulder reviews the book ‘The Good Mate: How understanding team relationships can make you happier and more productive' by Evan Sorensen and Jim Johnson...

The Good Sponsor

Hans Mulder reviews Jim Johnson ‘The good Sponsor’.

Ticking Time Bomb

Do you think design debt is a ticking time bomb for your organization? 

To Catch a Thief

Hans Mulder suggests the use of anti-plagiarism software to detect intellectual property misuse or theft.

Transform Rapidly

Hans Mulder suggests you look at DEMO to rapidly transform…


Who Does What When

Hans Mulder suggests you look at DEMO to see ‘who does…

Your Best Friend

Hans Mulder suggests you make users your best friend.

Your Worst Enemy

Hans Mulder suggests you do not make users your worst enemy.