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Jon M Quigley

Jon M Quigley is the author of several books on project management and software development. Mr. Quigley is also a frequent speaker at industry events. Jon is a principal at Value Transformation LLC. Value Transformation is a product development training and cost improvement organization. He has more then twenty years of product development experience, ranging from embedded hardware and software through verification and project management.

Advice Articles

Accountability and Dependencies

Jon M Quigley suggests that often accountability failure is…

Ambiguous Language

Jon M Quigley suggests ambiguous language only defers or kicks the problem down the road.

Can Fire?

Jon M Quigley suggests it is difficult to fire a person.

Comparing Agile and Conventional

Jon M Quigley suggests you compare agile and conventional.

Eliminate Configuration Management?

Jon M Quigley suggests that you do not eliminate configuration management.

Emotions in the Project

Jon M Quigley says In business, we sometimes downplay the need for emotions…

Escalation Plans

Jon M Quigley suggests you have escalation plans.

Follow Through

Jon M Quigley suggests you always follow through. 

Learning from Experience

Jon M Quigley suggests you learn from experience

Necessary Product Management

Jon M Quigley suggests that it is not the project manager’s…

Of Watermelons and Gates

Do you only look at the outside watermelon to know if it is ripe?

Planning horizon

Jon M. Quigley suggests you take time to consider the consequences of the short term actions and planning on the long term goals.

Project Methodology, the Panacea?

Jon M Quigley suggests that project methodology is not everything. In a recent conversation with a project team,

Project Profile

Jon M Quigley talks about the concept of project profile in…

Quality Voyage

Jon M Quigley suggests a quality outcome is from actions along the way.

Rose-colored Glasses

Jon M Quigley suggests you listen up and remove those…

Secure that Talent

Jon M Quigley suggests a project's success ultimately is with the team and the project manager. 

Standard Time Plans

Jon M Quigley suggests by definition, projects are not operations and are unique.

Tools and Transparency

Jon M Quigley suggests Project Management Tools do not lead to Transparency.

Unvoiced Assumptions

Jon M Quigley suggests assumptions that are unvoiced are unchecked.