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Jim Loehr

Jim Loehr is a performance psychologist, co-founder of the Human Performance Institute, and author of numerous books, including The Power of Story and The Power of Full Engagement.

Advice Articles

Develop Healthy

James Loehr suggests that you develop healthy, well-defined recovery rituals and follow them.

Feels Like Relief

James Loehr suggests that you understand what recovery feels like.



Healing Time

James Loehr suggests that you understand that recovery is healing time.

Increase your Fitness

James Loehr suggests that you increase your fitness.



Learn to Interpret

James Loehr suggests that you learn to interpret your recovery needs.



Mentality of a Sprinter

James Loehr suggests that you develop the mentality of a sprinter,

Play Equally Hard

James Loehr suggests that you work hard and play equally hard.

Seek Active Recovery

James Loehr suggests that you seek active recovery.



Short Breaks

James Loehr suggests that you take frequent, short breaks.



Stress for Success

James Loehr suggests chronic stress unabated by recovery can ravage us mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Take Regular Breaks

James Loehr suggests you take regular breaks regardless of how you feel.

Think of Recovery

James Loehr suggests that you think of recovery as completely changing channels.

Tips for Coping with Stress

James Loehr suggests our attention should be focused on breaking up cycles of stress with intermittent recovery.

Working Harder

James Loehr suggests that you rest more frequently when you’re working harder.