Chip Bell

Chip R. Bell is the founder of the Atlanta-based Chip Bell Group, helping organizations build a culture that supports long-term customer loyalty.
Advice Articles
Bolstering Self-Direction and Independence
Chip Bell suggests effective mentoring relationships are rich, engaging and intimate.
Chip Bell suggests leveling the learning field and fostering acceptance and safety.
Chip Bell suggests advice may be heard, but ignored.
Chip Bell suggests that the first challenge a mentor faces is to help the protégé experience the relationship as a true partnership.
Chip Bell suggests that the word mentor can the conjures up the image of a seasoned corporate sage.
Chip Bell suggests you disable the power imbalance.
Chip Bell suggests radical changes in organizations render skills obsolete almost overnight.
Chip Bell suggests rapport begins with the sounds and sights of openness and authenticity.
Chip Bell suggests the rite of passage is a powerful symbol in gaining closure and moving on to the next learning plateau.
Chip Bell suggests you create a sense of welcome.
Chip Bell suggests you value attentiveness.
Chip Bell suggests that winning organizations are those where learning and experimentation are woven into the fabric of their culture.