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Keith Kerr

Keith Kerr is the former Director for Portfolio and Program Management with Robbins-Gioia. He has worked with public, private, and international organizations to improve business outcomes using program and portfolio management rigor. He co-wrote and published “Program Management for Agile”, a research report on adoption and leading management practices in Agile development environment.

Advice Articles

Fire Department

Keith Kerr suggests you plan for the unexpected. 

Line of Sight

Keith Kerr suggests you look for what is missing.

Planning Means Everything

Keith Kerr suggests planning means everything. 


Keith Kerr suggests you have a richer understanding of the product or service to be built.

Shared Goal

Keith Kerr suggests you have well understood and shared goal with defined parameters.

Trusted Relationship

Keith Kerr suggests you have trusted relationship.


Keith Kerr suggests you need to establish a vision for the program.