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Robert Kelley

Robert Kelley is a senior professional with experience in IT from start-ups and Fortune 200 companies. Mr. Kelley has much experience with SAP and Oracle, especially in FDA compliance and governance. Also see Bob’s Tales from Over the Edge of CHAOS series: https://www.standishgroup.com/adviceAuthor/108

Advice Articles


Bob Kelley suggests the culture of the organization has a big part to play on how effective an executive sponsor can cope with the various occurrences in a project.

Dealing with Arrogance

Bob Kelley suggests that the best ways to deal with arrogance is to know two things: who are your allies and who are not your allies.

Dealing with Fraudulence

Bob Kelley suggests you have to be truthful.

Did It Right

As Bob Kelley said, “The executive sponsor for the custom sales force automation systems at this company did not dictate what he wanted and did not allow IT to tell them what they needed.

George Washington's String

Bob Kelley recalls a story about George Washington’s string During the winter while camped at Valley Forge during the Revolutionary War, the Commander of the American forces, George Washington, was walking about the campsite with a young Lieutenant. 

Good Listener

Bob Kelley says, “One of the best executive sponsors that I worked with was early in my career at a local manufacturing company.

Hold the Whiteout

As Bob says, this bio-pharmaceutical company had a great product. They produced synthetic oxygenated blood for transfusion.

Lessons from the front lines

Bob Kelley says, “The lessons from this particular outsourcing executive sponsorship are: First there was no company involvement.


As Bob Kelley says, “I think the worst example of the lack of executive sponsorship was at a pharmaceutical company in Southern California.

Part 82: Tales from Over the Edge of CHAOS

One bright sunny (is there any other) afternoon approximately 125 consultants and employees were cordially...

Poisoning the Well

Bob Kelley suggests you cannot let anyone poison the well.



Risk Analysis is Always a Good Idea

A risk analysis is always a good idea, however risk should be fact based and not imaginary or outside the realm of probability.

Sal DiMasi

Bob Kelley says “On the subject of executive sponsorship and specific to the category of fraud.  


As Bob Kelley says, “The worst thing that can happen is the real executive sponsor delegates the project to a person that is two-steps above the kid in the mail room.

Types of Executive Sponsors

Robert Kelley suggests there are different types of executive sponsors. 

Unicorns and Rainbows

Bob Kelley recalls, “Oracle, SAP, etc sales force through sleight of hand tricks and… 

Value Decisions

Bob Kelley suggests creating a policy on making decisions.