David Johnson

Mr Johnson has been involved in the business profession for more than 40 years and has been in business in Singapore and the APAC region for the last 28 years. Mr Johnson brings a broad range of business skillsets to the table including: team management, sales, marketing and presentations, procurement, logistics, operations, customer service, corporate finance and office administration, human resources, store keeping, Information flow, increasing productivity and digital asset safety consultation.
Advice Articles
David Johnson says, A good Executive Sponsor could be almost anyone in any walk of life, title or creed.
Good Sponsor Nanoclass Set #10
Dave Johnson says: When spearheading a spirited team with a clear project scope and...
Good Sponsor Nanoclass Set #11
David Johnson says: A good executive sponsor sets the stage for success by taking on...
David Johnson’s microblog feedback on Lesson Set #2 of The Good Sponsor Nanoclass.
David Johnson’s microblog feedback on Lesson Set #3 of The Good Sponsor Nanoclass.
David Johnson’s microblog feedback on Lesson Set #5 of The Good Sponsor Nanoclass.
Dave Johnson says: Good strong connections in the form of relationships in the workplace...
Dave Johnson suggests; A good emotionally mature executive sponsor who is driving a project to success, needs to be skillful and well aware of ones’ own abilities and weaknesses,
David Johnson says: A good executive sponsor must be highly resourceful in order to get...
David Johnson suggests it behooves a good executive sponsor to be proficient in...
PM2GO-Good Sponsor Nanoclass Set #4
David Johnson’s microblog feedback on Lesson Set #4 of The Good Sponsor Nanoclass.
Once upon a time, the principal of an elementary school, Joan Fanning, was daydreaming about how she could help her students learn more and have more fun along the way.