Haze Activities!
Resources for the Haze effort are:
Haze on CHAOS Tuesday #76: In this show Hans Mulder, Ilias Kontakos and Jim Crear talks us through the conclusions and recommendations of the Dutch temporary committee on government ICT projects.
Haze in Thinking: is a blog post on the 3 papers of government projects.
Haze report adds value to “Rethinking the Public Spending on ICT projects” report. The report considers the current state of software developed and innovation as a comparison to the current state of government projects.
Rethinking the Public Spending on ICT projects report was written by Hans Mulder and Ilias Kontakos. The focus of this serious report is a commentary on the findings of the Dutch temporary committee on government ICT projects.
Conclusions and recommendations of the Dutch temporary committee on government ICT projects.
If you have any questions or wish to provide feedback, please contact us using the Tell Me form on our website.